Collection: Robbie Strong

About two weeks ago Robbie started showing symptoms that he may be getting the flu or had a virus. Shortly thereafter, Carole noticed that his foot looked swollen. Since then, they have been on a downward spiral with Robbie being sedated and vented in the ICU at Geisinger Danville. Robbie has been diagnosed with Necrotizing Fasciitis (an infection destroying his muscles) and Leukemia. He has now had 3 surgeries to attempt to clean out the infection but is still in danger of needing his leg amputated. This infection alone can be fatal but adding the leukemia with it is making this a critical situation. More than anything we are asking for prayers but if you are able to help with the mounting expenses of them being away from home, we are greatly appreciative.

Tasha with Infinite Expressions HH and I have collaborated again to offer this family a little extra help financially  

Anyone who purchases the Robbie Strong tshirt through Midwest roots,  20% of all proceeds will go to helping Robbie with medical expenses and any order !

Thank you all in advance!

Please allow 7-14 business days for your order to ship 🙂